Arianne Nokom

Sunflower Kiddy Star Preschool

Arianne Nokom
9 Sep 2020

Building Time

Since our ECOstruction Project started, parents have been very supportive bringing homemade ECObricks to school. Other parents expressed their support in the project by saving and sending their plastic bags and plastic bottles instead of throwing them into the dustbins.

For a month and a half, we were able to make and collect a total of 75 ECObricks.

We are glad that our school community (children, parents, and teachers) are able to recycle them to protect the earth. Children learnt and shared the harmful effect that that these plastic bottles and the plastic bags inside them will cause if they are being dumped into the dustbins or thrown in the ocean.

Children excitedly began their construction task using the ECObricks they have. They laid their bottles on a perfectly flat surface and ensured that all bottles are the same height. Thereafter, they put super glue on the bottles’ junction points to make the bottles stick together.

For a small start, the children worked on making hexagon modules (using 7 ECObricks) and triangular modules (using 3 ECObricks) to make seats that children can use in their classroom reading corners or other learning corner activities.

HexBench modules are the easiest Ecobrick output. Made with simplesilicone sealant, they are durable, and tremendously practical indoor furniture. Modules can be used individually as seats or combined like LEGO to create tables, beds, benches and more.” ( *photo of children trying out their hexbenches

Children trying out their hexagon modules. It is durable and comfy!

Through the SSDB project, children have learnt the impact of human activities on others and the environment. They are engaged in very meaningful task to create Ecobrick to show their care and respect for the world. Though we have come to the end of this year’s SSDB project, our ECOwarriors promised to continue their habit of recycling and

ECObricking at home and in school. As we pledged, we will segregate and not mix, and turn plastic wastes to ECObricks; we will try to make change to help fight climate change.

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