Lim Tong En

Sunflower Preschool @ Bedok Reservoir

Lim Tong En
25 Oct 2022

Keeping Our Environment Clean - Outdoor Nature Trash Collection

“We can be a good citizen by helping to keep our environment clean and green!”

Our K2 children were engaged in a nature walk, where they made use of their five senses to explore things within the outdoor environment. As our children observed the natural space and highlighted the amount of trash that could be found everywhere, they reflected about the importance of keeping the environment clean and green.

“Why got so many rubbish? We can help to pick them up and throw them away properly!”

After realising the importance of environmental cleanliness within our natural surroundings, our K2 children volunteered to pick up the trash on the ground enthusiastically. Given the necessary materials (plastic bags and gloves), our children were split up into small groups that were placed in-charge of different outdoor areas as they learnt to collect the trash by picking them up and storing them within their plastic bags.

“I think we can sort the rubbish out nicely!”

With the pile of trash collected outdoors, our K2 children incorporated the idea of recycling into sorting out recyclable items from non-recyclable ones. When asked “What should we do with these recyclable items?”, our children pointed out the recycling bins located in their classroom and started to categorise them according to the respective recycling bins. Our children played their parts as good citizens in the neighbourhood by contributing to the concept of recycling.

“We don’t waste the recycling things, so let’s do art-and-craft!”

Our K2 children worked in small groups to think of creative ways in crafting their own textured trash collage using the recyclable items collected from the outdoor environment. Through meaningful discussions and sharing of ideas amongst peers, our children felt engaged in this art-and-craft activity and they were given a show-and-tell opportunity to showcase their art pieces to other friends!

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