Lim Tong En

Sunflower Preschool @ Bedok Reservoir

Lim Tong En
1 Sep 2022

Kindness Day SG [KDSG] 2022 - Singapore Kindness Movement (SKM)

“We must be kind and nice to everybody!”

In collaboration with Singapore Kindness Movement (SKM), our K1 and K2 children explored about the meaning of kindness and the importance of displaying this value to show care for others. With meaningful resources found within the Kindness Day SG [KDSG] Celebration Package provided by SKM, our children were able to engage in different activities that encouraged them to showcase kindness to people around them.

“I really like how Mellie is starting to be kind to her friends! I also want to be like Mellie!”

During Kindness Day 2022, our K1 and K2 children learnt to spread kindness to others through a simple story-reading session on the book titled ‘Mellie’s Marvellous Garden’, which was included within the KDSG Celebration Package. Our children were then able to display small acts of kindness within our school setting, such as sharing toys during play-time and helping to clean up after activities.

“I want to make this “Thank you” card for my mummy, because she is always so kind to me!”

Our K1 and K2 children were provided with different materials found within the KDSG Celebration Package, as they arranged a kindness gift pack for someone whom they were thankful towards. With their never-ending flow of creativity, our children decorated their gift packs independently using art-and-craft materials and stickers.

“Yay, my daddy will love this so much!”

After much effort placed into designing their kindness gift packs, our K1 and K2 children sent their gratitudes to the special ones enthusiastically!

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