Alinabon Allysa Rose Pecho

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Hougang Blk 328 (DS)

Alinabon Allysa Rose Pecho
31 Aug 2018

Visit to Jamiyah Home

The children of PCF Sparkletots @ Hougang Blk 328 embarked on the SSDB Project by visiting their beneficiary at Jamiyah Home. They brought goods for the elderlies donated by their parents. They also performed a dance titled “We’re in it Together” to introduce their project theme “Save our Nature, Save our Future”

After the performance, children and Mr. Lee - chairman of PCF Hougang planted okra seeds with the elderlies. The parents volunteers guided them to plant it.

Children sing the song “Glowing Inside” to show appreciation to the elderlies.

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